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Monday, December 31, 2012

write unapologetically

I've not blogged for over 15 days.
I didn't intend not to blog.
It just happened.

And I'm glad.

I needed the space to think and imagine and become. I needed to get a hold of my writing life. I needed some time to listen and sit and quite simply be. I remembered the magic of living.

My pen kept moving in an old fashioned journal. I kept writing, putting words down on the page, not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I've been steeped in scripture and words are swirling.

The thing is, it's not enough for me to keep all those thoughts and scribbles and realizations between the cardboard covers of a journal. Because I know when I compose in a little white box on my computer screen there are different sorts of things that bubble to the surface. I know when I share my stories others know their stories better. I know when others share their thoughts I know my story better.

My story is sacrificed when I don't write the mess and the giggles and the magic on the screen.

So I'm moving into 2013 renewed to write unapologetically.
This is me.
Without filters.
Arms wide open.
Grateful that you're joining me.


  1. Love It! Thanks for the words to move us into 2013! Have a happy New Year!

  2. Can't wait to see what you will write.

  3. I love the way you write. And I love when you share that writing with us. Here's to an unapologetic new year...

  4. I stepped away from blogging, Twitter and other social media venues. It has felt good just to disconnect, but I haven't reflected on it, yet. I have focused on family, my little ones. Your writing is so powerful and speaks loudly, unapologetically. And I'm am forever thankful. Shine on sister! Shine on.

  5. It has been more than 15 days for me - also not planned. Ugh! (Which might be my OLW of 2013.)I am thinking Feb 1 is a good time to restart routines because starting today is just too much. Ugh!


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