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Sunday, June 19, 2011

rediscovering notebooks.

I grabbed this stack of notebooks from my office last week. The plan is to sort through them, looking for inspiring images to scan and add to the peek into my writer's notebook slideshow on the sidebar.

I started keeping a writer's notebook in the summer of 2000. It was at the end of my first year of teaching and I was fully immersed in learning about writing workshop. Before then I kept journals (and journals and journals and journals).  It's interesting to see the shift in my collection of words when I switched from journal to writer's notebook.

Not only do I have these in the picture to sort through, but I have the ones lurking around my house. I should count them. More importantly, I'm looking forward to looking through all of them, finding the themes, rediscovering forgotten snippets, and remembering ways to collect words.

Look for pages to start popping up soon around here.


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