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Friday, May 12, 2017

Six Weeks {CELEBRATE This Week: 192}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! 

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Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.

I have six weeks until a milestone birthday. I'm not one who marks time according to numbers, but when I consider that it is likely I'm nearing (or past) the midway point of life on this earth, it gives me a little pause.

I've been thinking about what I ought to accomplish in the next six weeks to be ready to face the big four-oh. For me it has centered around physical health. I've been rolling around all of the things I should be doing.

My thoughts were stirring things like running again and drinking more water and lifting weights. I walked out of the same building where I started teaching 17 years ago. The sun winked at me and fresh air tickled my nose. I was reminded to live in the moment.

I shook the should-be's until all that was left was be

It's not easy for a thinker to be. I'm training myself to stop reflecting and wondering and questioning and planning and whirling.

I'm learning to be.
They've not been easy lessons. 
I'm not a fast learner.

Maybe instead of training for a 5K, I'll bring home learning how to be.

The six week plan --
  1. Say YES more.
  2. Sit outside.
  3. Take time to walk slow.
  4. Send handwritten notes.
  5. Cook (or bake) because it's fun.
  6. Plant flowers.
I think this will be the best way to enter the next decade with grace and grit.


  1. Ruth, it is a pleasure to wish you well as you reflect on your next decade. Ride it in style. Feel the winds beneath your sails and fill your life with all that you hope to attain for yourself and your family. Happy Mother's Day.

  2. I love your plan - seems simple and at the same time has depth. I read an article yesterday that seems to support your plan:

  3. Brilliant plan! Happy early birthday! And from someone who is halfway through the's a wonderful decade!

  4. It seems to me that grace and grit are two traits you have and I love your plan to nurture them as you approach a new decade Ruth.

  5. Happy Birthday! You are so young! It's been a while since I've seen 40. Enjoy these years. They fly by!

  6. Forty is a piece of cake, but then sixty is one to make one stop and pause. You will enter it gracefully and with style (especially your shoes). :-)

  7. I totally endorse your plan, and take it from me, at 40 you will barely notice that you've entered a new decade. There are more drastic ones ahead. :) I loved my 40s decade! (actually, I've loved them all). Happy Mother's Day.

  8. "I shook the should-be's until all that was left was be." Love this line from your post. And the list you created. My faves - Sit outside, send handwritten notes, cook (or bake) because it's fun! Here's to a wonderful foray into your forties! Something tells me you'll find this decade exciting and fun to face with grace and grit.

  9. Just "being" is a big deal for thinkers. Learning will take time so don't worry if you aren't there yet in six weeks. Keep it up. Being is a worthy goal.


I {heart} comments. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.