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Friday, August 2, 2013

{story} five minute friday


I'm embracing a story of insteads

Instead of giving birth to a baby girl with my curls and an infant boy with his eyes, our babies were grown in other women's bodies, yet made perfectly for us.

Instead of knowing the brand of diapers they wore and the day they took their first steps, I know how to assure them of forever and overcome hard histories.

Instead of two children, we have four.

Instead of a perfect house, we have book stacks and flip flops and Lego creations around the edges.

Instead of accepting the placement in an architecture program, I became an educator.

Instead of believing writing is a pipe dream, I write books.

This story of insteads is a very good one. Instead of taking the easy road, the road filled with all of the things I want, I am living a story of making much of God.


Five Minute Friday
About a month ago, I came across a writing challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker that I thought I'd give a try.For more information, check out this link to Five Minute Friday. The nitty-gritty is you write for 5 minutes on a word, then you share your post, and you comment on another. I hope you'll join too.


  1. Visiting from FMF

    Cool Post!

    The story of insteads... May you be guided on the path that's right fro you!

  2. Ok, I love this right now. Looking forward to following along..and reading more of your story. Stopping by as one of your closeby FMF neighbors.

  3. Great story! :)
    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment. Change is hard but with God all things are possible so we keep moving forward in His story.
    Life as Mrs. Aguila

  4. This is a wonderful "list" of how you have embraced all that life has sent your way. I love the way you use "instead" to embrace the many opportunities God has laid in your path.

  5. Love this way of looking at life!

  6. "Instead of taking the easy road, the road filled with all of the things I want, I am living a story of making much of God."

    This is the line I'm scribbling in my Writer's Notebook.

    Love this.

  7. This is rad. I love it. Thank you for sharing it with us. What an awesome story of insteads.


I {heart} comments. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.