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Friday, August 16, 2013

{small}: five minute friday


Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins.
---Matthew 12:42

And Jesus was pleased. It's not about being big and giving more, but about giving your all. And your all is enough.

Finding mine to do isn't about bigger and "better." It isn't about more. It isn't about giving from a surplus of time.

Mine to do is about a life of giving everything I have to live on. It's not about a small part of my surplus. It's my everything. Even if my everything is small.

It's dropping small words into the souls of healing children.
It's giving small smiles in the crowded halls of a school.
It's putting paint on a small canvas to offer reminders of intentional living.
It's finding small bits of time to put words on the page.
It's giving small hugs again and again.
It's writing small notes.

This living small is enough. In fact, it's more than enough. It is everything.


Five Minute Friday
This summer, I came across a writing challenge hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker that I thought I'd give a try.For more information, check out this link to Five Minute Friday. The nitty-gritty is you write for 5 minutes on a word, then you share your post, and you comment on another. I hope you'll join too.


  1. Yes, it is good, life is lived step by step!

  2. Brilliant! Amen... praise God for the small things that He uses in big ways!
    Thanks for sharing.
    God bless,

  3. Hi Ruth! I love your list of 'small' things. And the idea of giving big in the small situations. You made some really good points here, all in five minutes! LOL!

    Jesus was pleased with the two coins, so whatever I can bring, he'll love that too.

    Pleasure to meet you today!

  4. So good. I love this post. I am challenged to find my own small ways that are enough! I'm glad I stopped by from FMF!

  5. You make me smile, every time I read your words. Keep writing. :-)

  6. Nice to hear those small thoughts from just five minutes, Ruth.


I {heart} comments. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.