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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

hard to see the shine (sols)

"Mom, do you have a flashlight I can borrow? I lost my Beyblade in the basement," Sam called clomping up the basement steps.

I handed over my phone and he quickly tap-tap-tapped to the flashlight app. He wiggled the phone, trying to spot the beam in the kitchen where the afternoon sun streamed in.

"It's not working," he said.

"Are you sure? I left the half chopped broccoli and bent down beside him. He wiggled the phone again, attempting to spot the beam. "May I see it?" I asked.

"Just a minute," he double checked the screen. The beam should be shining. He turned the phone around and we both jumped back from being blinded by the beam. Ouch!

"Oh yeah, it's working,' he said, then giggled. "Sorry Mom for hurting your eyes. Sometimes it's just hard to see the shine in the light."

Sam went to rescue his toy and I'm left with his words echoing through my mind.

Sometimes it's hard to see the shine in the light.

When he took the flashlight into the dark basement it was easier to see the shine. I think the same is true for us. It is easier to see people shine in darkness, in hard times, in difficulties, than it is in the light times.

I'm reminded I am called to shine even in the hard times. It's not just about good cheer, but about joy that goes beyond the circumstances.

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Slice of Life Challenge. Just click the image.


  1. I like Sam's way with words! A great reminder to let our light shine where it is needed.

  2. What a beautiful story --- and important message. I guess it sometimes hard to see the shine in the light. I know I'm always quite thankful for any kind of shine in the darkness.

    Ruth, I have to say I really enjoy the way you use dialogue to tell a story. I think I'm going to have to work on that in my writing. It's very powerful.

    Thanks for sharing your story. I always enjoy stopping by.


  3. Ruth I see your shine all the way here in California. I see it through your words loving and kind, truthful and struggling. Your shine encourages me and sometimes challenges me but is a welcomed light. I am so thankful for the way God uses you to shine in my life. Your are a blessing. Shine on.

  4. Thanks for this very important reminder, Ruth! I'm struck, again, by your baby's wisdom. And like Cathy said, I love your use of dialogue-- makes me feel like I'm right there! Keep shining!

  5. Darkness is merely the absence of light and it is true that we often see people shine more brightly when they are struggling. It is always reassuring to me that light is always shining even if I can't see it, somewhere.

  6. Yeah, I just love this. I love how you take a small moment and make it big. I love how you take one sentence and shine light on it. I think many of us would have heard those words and took it at face value, but you have this way of thinking deeper, bigger. I love it. Thank you.

  7. Wow, your son put that so well! I love that not only did you listen carefully enough to him to hear what he was saying but to really think about it beyond the conversation. How easily that could have been lost to the chopped broccoli, but instead you recognized the moment and the words for what they were...special. What lucky children you have to have a mom who notices, listens and really hears.

  8. I missed this Tuesday, Ruth. This is such a keeper, and your Sam was just describing his situation, yet it is much more, isn't it? Thank you! I do believe I will print this & hang it up!

  9. I like how from a a simple everyday situation and comment a bigger idea emerges. This is a perfect example of slice of life.

  10. Ruth, I was just thinking of you the other day because Matthew 5:13-16 was one of the daily readings because it had salt and shine in the same reading.

    Did your son think about the connection to what he said and your OLW? Either way, what a special dialogue to document and reflect on related to your word.

  11. I loved these kinds of posts of yours, Ruth. You truly have such an encouraging personality that makes you a light to others.. ALWAYS!

  12. Powerful words. They are really making me think. Thanks for sharing.


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