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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Stuck!

I'm stuck.

Really, I can't believe it. I'm really stuck. I'm supposed to go home tonight. I have all kinds of things to do.

Make dinner for a friend.
Catch up on laundry.
Bake cookies.
Lead professional development tomorrow morning at school.
Meet with three different teachers.
Lead writing workshop in a classroom.

None of this will get done, because I'm stuck. Snow can do that to a person. Ice can do that to a person. Snow, ice and wind can make a person really stuck.

I'm stuck.

I could feel guilty about all I'm dropping, all of the people I feel like I'm letting down. Have I made all of the phone calls, sent the emails I need to make sure I've let everyone know? (I hope.)

But, what if, being stuck is exactly mine to do? What if being stuck is the very best thing for me?


  1. Maybe you are supposed to take this time for you. To breathe. To relax. To unwind. Maybe you are supposed to write for you. Read for you. Think for you.


  2. Word choice is key to what is in out heart of hearts and every now and then it is revealed. "I could feel guilty about all I'm dropping," speaks loud and clear. I think being stuck is the very best thing for you now. Enjoy and embrace that time. :-)

  3. Being stuck in the mire must be in the air. It's a turned down day inspite of being retired. It's been so gloomy, cold, and now wet and icy. Maybe being stuck means slowing down again. All things change.

  4. It's like a little recess, Ruth. Enjoy all you can.

  5. I sure wish we had ended up stuck somewhere together! I am glad you had safe travels, though. It was definitely smart to stay put!


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