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Saturday, July 20, 2013

favorite bits

I didn't officially join Teachers Write this summer. Still, I'm a junkie for teachers writing and love the inspiration, encouragement, and fun-stuff in this community. Here's a link to see what's happening in the Teachers Write community. While you're there, click around and leave some comment-love to those who are participating.

nErDCamp Round-Up by Katherine Sokolowski. It's tough to pick and choose what to attend and what to miss. It's even tougher when people share their learning and you realized how much you missed. Thankfully people are generous! Grab a a drink and be ready to clicky-click around the internet for some incredible inspiration!

This came in the mail late last week. A 20 quart stock pot. I'm more excited than I should be about it. Wednesday, the girls and I made a batch of spaghetti sauce in it. Thursday we used it for a triple batch of salsa. Yum. (It's worth the work of canning it!)

These words from William Wordsworth:
Rest and be thankful.

I've done a little tidying up around here. Check out the tabs under the header. Some are new and many are cleaned up and changed. For a list of blogs I read regularly, click on Writing Love.

1 comment:

  1. I think you've just inspired (reminded) me to get to the farmer's market this morning, Ruth! I enjoyed seeing your tidying up pages, and hearing about your week. Nerdcamp did sound like fun, didn't it? Have a great weekend!


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