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Sunday, April 8, 2012

52 Day Challenge

Last week was spring break and we were home. A lot. My everyday routine was drastically changed. I wondered what mine would be to do. I wondered what I should do with my extra time. Last Friday at 3:40, on my way home from school, I realized mine to do this week was to love my kids. First. Before everything else. Just as they are.

This isn't a new goal. I consider my family to be in one of the top spots on my priority list. But sometimes during breaks, it is easy to fall into a To Do trap. It is easy to make all kinds of plans, spend time with the kids, and love them lots...but not necessarily put their choices of how to spend time at the top of the day.

This week, each day, I was intentional about putting them first. I wanted them to feel how much they are adored. Not spoiled (much). But completely and totally adored. I wanted them to know how cool I think they are and that the things they want to do are cool too.

This was mine to do: Plain and simple, I was a mom. My to do list didn't get finished, but I'm not sure it ever does. I didn't read as many YA books as I wanted, but I read waaaay more beginner chapter books (8), picture books, and Lego magazines. I didn't write as much as I wanted, but I made 10 dozen sugar cookies. (Some for Easter, but we ate them throughout the week instead, and another batch for Sam to take to school tomorrow.) I didn't exercise as much as I wanted, but I played in the backyard.

I didn't really sacrifice much. I still read. I still wrote. I still scrapbooked. I still exercised. I also organized rooms and closets, managed laundry and meals, and found time for a movie or two.

I guess what I'm realizing is finding what is mine to do often means putting aside the plans I think I have to do. It's not easy. I can be a little selfish (especially with my time). I had one woe-is-me-I-don't-get-to-do-what-I-want moment last night when thinking about today. But now that the day is over, I realize I didn't miss out on anything. In fact, Easter is one of the most perfect days of the year, and today was no exception.

When I put aside my wants and plans and desires and serve someone else, life is always better. At communion last Maundy Thursday, I washed feet. I thought about this ancient tradition, one that was not pleasant, but quite hospitable. An act of servants. As I consider mine to do, I'm challenged to be more of a foot washer -- putting my plans and expectations aside in order to see others more clearly.

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