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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ncis (soLs)

We (Andy, Karianne, and I) are NCIS junkies. It is an addiction. Truly.

And I love this about us.

Right now, they are waiting for me to watch the episodes from tonight. It's too late to watch them both (NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles), so we'll watch LA. Last week it was "To Be Continued."

We've been waiting all week.

And now we are still waiting.

Because I'm writing.

Which brings me to the end of this little snippet of time, because I love them too much to keep them waiting. And they love me too much to make me give up writing.

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for the Slice of Life Story Challenge.


  1. I like them sometimes, but i'm hooked on other things. Too bad they're on Tuesdays, right? And the characters do begin to be interesting in those kinds of shows if you watch them enough. I understand!

  2. Love NCIS--more the original than LA. I watch the reruns on USA network as I correct papers all the time.

  3. NCIS is not one of my fixes, but I have similar tv addictions (though mine tend to be way trashier). Our tv schedule was one of the main things my husband and I had to rearrange in order to make room for our writing. (notice I said 'rearrange' not 'give up') Enjoy that precious time with your family (Karianne is so much part of your family now, too)!

  4. I love the last two lines - the building anticipation concluded by a perfect matching of showing mutual relationships!

  5. I love that you all have found the balance of love. :)

  6. I also LOVE the last two lines -- especially the last one. Such a perfect expression of love, that they know how much writing means to you. P.S. I wrote my slice about meeting you at the Lit Conference! :-)


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