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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

happy birthday

dinner for breakfast (macaroni and cheese)
new shirt (skateboarding: the sport that defies gravity)
chocolate chip cookies for snack (made by a five year, delivered as a six year old)
name teacher-printed on a birthday crown
a train track ("Call this the birthday express.")
a domino run (shaped like a candle)
read a favorite book (Thomas and friends)
a  birthday present (wrapped in Clifford paper)
Legos ("How did you know I love these?")
breakfast for dinner (blue chocolate chip pancakes)
swimming pool
a few more pieces in Lego City
jammies ("Six year olds don't sleep with shirts on.")
keep you forever hug
happy birthday, Sam

Happy Birthday, Sam!


  1. I don't even know him, but he looks so old at the right photo. Beautiful line of pictures for sure. I love the way you showed off his birthday, just perfect, & also loved that upside down day with meals-always great to get big choices on one's birthday!

  2. I love the way you accompanied this list with the parenthetical explanations. My favorite is the cookies made by a 5 year old, but delivered as a 6 year old. What a cool way to show that transition! Happy birthday to Sam and congratulations to you! You and Mary Helen have lots to celebrate today!

  3. Love this piece of writing. They grow so fast, as my little (or not so little) guys showed me tonight. Happy Birthday Sam!

  4. Happy birthday, Sam! I remember the day you we're born. You are a blessing!
    Ruth, I love your aside comments. What a great hybrid text.
    My favorite line, Legos," How did you know I love these?"
    Interesting we wrote about our kids' birthday.

  5. I love how you used a list for your slice. I like how you including the pictures of Sam. I hope he had a memorable birthday! :)

  6. It sounds like an incredibly wonderful day for a very loved boy. These slices will become special memories as the years go by. What a cutie!

  7. Happy Birthday, Sam!!! I love the birthday breakfast!!! Party hearty!!

  8. "and now we were six" - you've described a day in the life of beautifully.

  9. Happy birthday, Sam!! I've never met him, but reading your writing about him over the last few years certainly makes me feel that I know him! Great photos.

  10. Happy birthday, Sam! Oh how you've grown from a boy who loves clocks to a six year old who likes blue pancakes. Hope your sixth year is wonderful!


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