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Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Ed Collab {CELEBRATE This Week: 187}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! 

Share a link to your blog post below and/or use #celebratelu to share celebrations on Twitter. Check out the details hereCelebrate This Week goes live on Friday night around 10(ish). Consider it as a weekend celebration. Whenever it fits in your life, add your link. 

Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.


Today I get to talk about ENTICING HARD-TO-REACH WRITERS as part of the The Ed Collaborative Spring Gathering. All day long, The Ed Collaborative is offering cutting edge sessions free for educators. Check out the agenda here. I am so excited to be a part of the generosity and learning of The Ed Collaborative. 

Thank you, Chris Lehman and The Ed Collab team. You are what is good and right about our profession.

Also, make sure to scroll to the bottom of the agenda page. You will find the adopted charities for the day. As a way to say thank you to The Ed Collab, feel free to donate to one of the day's charities.

I'm looking forward to sharing the way my storylines as a momma, teacher and writer intersect to help kids -- all kids -- write their stories and use their voices to make the world a better place. The information I'm sharing is straight from my heart and straight from the pages of my new book, which is in production now. 

If you want to join me at 1:00 (EST), I'll be sharing how to get past the behaviors of kids who don't want to write and instead meet them in their hearts and help them to know their voices matter.

Share your celebrations below.



  1. Wow, it sounds like an important day for teachers, Ruth. It's wonderful that you will be a part of this!

  2. What a full day for you, Ruth! Isn't technology wonderful? I dropped in to view a couple of the recorded sessions this evening, so I want to thank you for sharing about the event.

  3. I'm excited to go back and listen to The EdCollab Gathering. So grateful it is recorded for later viewing. Glad you are involved in this powerful group.

  4. Ruth, your EdCollabGathering live presentation was great. I enjoyed listening in and tweeting about it. I am glad that you showcased your work.


I {heart} comments. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.