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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Conferring Notes 101 LITE

My son Jay L.O.V.E.S. football. He is a hardcore football player. We love this about Jay, because he spent more than 7 years of his childhood bumping around the foster care system. So many kids from hard places don’t know how to follow their passions. Not Jay, though -- he has football.

Last summer Jay went to football camp for the first time. At football camp, Jay participated in many drills. In fact, most of the time at camp was spent in drills. Jay came home with a series of drills to practice. (He still practices them, in fact.)

I’ve never seen Jay run a drill during a game. The drills aren’t part of the game plan, but they are essential to becoming a better football player.

I’ve been putting together a course to help teachers lift the level of their conferences. It is called Conferring Notes 101. I am so excited about this course, that I wanted to share it. So I’m taking some of the best content and putting together a three session Conferring Notes 101 LITE version.

What does this have to do about Jay's football drills?

You can think of Conferring Notes 101 LITE as an intense camp to lift the level of your conferring. Just like Jay ran lots of drills at football camp, we’re going to set up a simple paper system so we can “run some practice drills” as teachers of writers.  I offer a step-by-step guide to setting up a trusty go-to conferring note system.

Will you do two things?
  1. Sign up for the CONFERRING NOTES 101 LITE course. It is free and some of my best work in supporting teachers to lift the level of their conferring. Just fill out the form above.
  2. Tell a friend! Share this with the teachers across the hall or in your department or in your school. Or post about it on social media -- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat (whatever your preference). Here is the link: and the hashtag is #conferringnotes101. Feel free to tag me, just get the R before the E in my last name! [@ruth_ayres]

Once you sign up, you’ll be on the list to get the Conferring Notes 101 LITE sessions as they release. You don’t want to  wait too long, though, because they are only available for a short amount of time. I’d hate for you to miss it!

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