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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Taking Time {CELEBRATE This Week: 165}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! 

Share a link to your blog post below and/or use #celebratelu to share celebrations on Twitter. Check out the details hereCelebrate This Week goes live on Friday night around 10(ish). Consider it as a weekend celebration. Whenever it fits in your life, add your link. 

Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.


I'm celebrating taking time. Life can be a rat race. We can get all caught up in the things that must-be-done. We can run ourselves ragged trying to keep up. We can crush our spirits under the weight of things that we didn't have time to do.

I'm learning how to slow down. This seems a little ridiculous to me, but it is the truth. Somewhere between savoring the moments and documenting the celebrations, I became hurry-scurry and controlling.

I'm learning to make time is a lie. We cannot make time. We've been given 24 hours each day. We have been created to sleep and eat and rest and play and work and love during each 24 hour cycle. Neither of these designs are a mistake. 

The human mistake is believing things like rest and play and sleep and love are not essential. These things are just as important (or perhaps even more important) than work and cleaning and appointments.

I'm thieving. I'm stealing. I'm swiping. And I'm celebrating!

We went for walks and lingered on the abandoned bridge. We tossed sticks into the creek. We jumped in leaves. We carved pumpkins. We watched a movie and snuggled on the couch. I went to bed early. I cooked from scratch and chopped broccoli.  We played Uno after dinner. We sat and talked with one another and with friends who dropped by for unexpected visits. I went with a friend to a doctor's appointment. I talked to another friend on the phone for over 40 minutes, processing some news. I made apple crisp. We kept up with the laundry and the dishes, making them times to talk instead of tasks to rush. I drank a cup of tea (and another) at my parent's kitchen table. I wrote two old-fashioned letters and dropped them in the mail. 

I will never be able to make time.
I will always be able to take time.
I think this is a mighty act of love.
Here's to being a time thief. I hope you will join me and together we can be a band of bandits -- bravely taking time and celebrating.

Share your celebrations!


  1. I have been thinking a lot about the concept of limited time a lot lately too. No matter how much I wish for extra minutes in the day, they never arrive. So I must choose how I use the ones I have to do the things that matter the most to me. I love the beautiful ways you spent your precious minutes this week. Family time and slowing down -- so perfect!

  2. Making time, taking time. Today I have my husband and all three daughters at home. I choose them over the to-do list my school life dictates. Thank you for your words.

  3. Taking time...a mighty act of love. Love the pic of Sam and Jordan. And two old-fashioned letters, imagine the joy on the receiving end. We're blessed to gather here and share our learning and celebrations each week. Thank you, Ruth!

  4. I am joining your group of bandits. The older I get the more I realize that time is a gift as well as a thief. Choosing to take time is something I'm still working on. Thank you for reminding us to celebrate when we find the time.

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking time not making time! That's my shift for this weekend!

  6. Loving all that time you "stole" for simply living life that is good, Ruth. Sounds like a bunch of fun this week, and coming in the future, too.

  7. Ah Ruth, you are wise and generous with this reminder. I particularly heard this line:
    "The human mistake is believing things like rest and play and sleep and love are not essential."

  8. To thieve, swipe, and steal time is wise...and a gift. Glad you did all three!

  9. Kudos on being able to juggle life, celebrate living, and enjoying family time each week, Ruth.


I {heart} comments. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.