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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Full of Thanks {CELEBRATE This Week: 168}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! 

Share a link to your blog post below and/or use #celebratelu to share celebrations on Twitter. Check out the details hereCelebrate This Week goes live on Friday night around 10(ish). Consider it as a weekend celebration. Whenever it fits in your life, add your link. 

Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.


I wrote these words on Thanksgiving:

It is Thanksgiving, and I am brave enough to celebrate.

Choosing celebration is a courageous act. The whispered-truth is part of me wonders if I have the energy or the courage to choose celebration.

Hope takes bravery. (Click to tweet.)

I breathed in deep and decided to live as one who is full of thanks.

The circumstances of the day were not what I would have chosen, if I ruled the world. Since it is my actions that I have control over, I made the tiny, but  mighty choice to be grateful.

It's easy to miss the mighty strength in a tiny act of gratitude. 

Because of this act of gratitude over disappointment, waves of blessings rolled in, crashing around our little family as powerful waves, abundant in their goodness. 

Thanksgiving 2016 was the best day of the year.

This isn't flippant and it isn't overdramatic. It is true.

A day set up for strife was flipped to one of goodness because of a brave choice to celebrate. This is the power of celebration.
I am grateful to know it.


  1. Waves of blessings abound this Thanksgiving. Thanks for this space to recognize and celebrate them. Loved seeing you at NCTE, albeit too short.

  2. Glad you chose to celebrate and the choice led to the best day. Blessings.

  3. I am so glad this was such a great day for the family! When celebration rules, the world looks much brighter.

  4. So grateful for this post that shows us the way to exercise "mighty strength in a tiny act of gratitude." Your example is a testament to the power of celebration. Thanks for your brave choice.

  5. I'm glad you shared that about "hope", Ruth. It is so true. I don't have a post this week, but will catch up next week.

  6. I also had to choose to breathe over the holidays. To stop and not use my words at that moment. You're constant reminders are powerful messages to me. Thanks for sharing your celebration.

  7. "Hope takes bravery." Yes. This is so true. It is an act of faith, when things are unseen and we are choosing celebrations and hope! Bravery indeed. Thank you for continuing to share your space with us.


I {heart} comments. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.