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Friday, October 21, 2016

A YouTube Sensation {CELEBRATE This Week: 163}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! 

Share a link to your blog post below and/or use #celebratelu to share celebrations on Twitter. Check out the details hereCelebrate This Week goes live on Friday night around 10(ish). Consider it as a weekend celebration. Whenever it fits in your life, add your link. 

Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.


Last week I was walking down the hall at dismissal. It started as murmurs behind me.

"That's her."
"She's real."
"It's really her."

I glanced behind me and smiled.

Their eyes opened wide and one gasped. "It's you!" said another. "You're the writer who likes to help kids write."

I waved. "Hi guys! Have you been watching my videos?"

They nodded and held up their hands, with fingers stretched wide. "All you need is a hand to tell a story." 

"You really help us be writers. We like your videos."

"Thanks! I'm glad they're helpful."

They beamed at me. We were at the point of going separate ways. "Happy writing," I said, chuckling to myself.

One turned back and hugged me around the waist. "You're a YouTube sensation!" he said.

I giggled. A YouTube Sensation -- life doesn't get much better than this.

I couldn't wait to tell my kids at home. Sam said, "We know you're a YouTube sensation, Mom. That's why you're my inspiration for my own channel."

I laughed. 

I was hesitant to create minilessons for teaching writers. I was worried I would be perpetuating canned writing instruction. I've been pleasantly surprised to learn the opposite is true. As teachers use my minilessons in their writing workshops, they see first hand how specific and tailored writing instruction makes a difference for young writers. Teachers have told me how their own minilessons have improved because they have my lessons as models. 

I think this is sensational, and the true celebration. Teachers and students are growing in writing workshops. I'm grateful to get to play a small part in more students being able to claim happy writing because of my YouTube channel.

You're welcome to check it out at the Ruth Ayres Writes YouTube Channel.

Thanks for celebrating this weekend!


  1. Congratulations, Ruth, on your YouTube series. Sam made the most adorable and endearing statement of tribute to you. Thanks for being a writing mentor to many.

  2. Woo Hoo! It's not often that I know the latest You Tube sensation. How fun for those students to recognize you. Your videos are a gift to the writing community and to students everywhere.

  3. I have been having trouble with blogger but happy to be writing in another space today so I can join in the celebrations. Thanks again for this community Ruth.

  4. You're a Rock Star, Ruth. Thanks for being my inspiration!

  5. "You're a YouTube sensation!" You are! I love this. You are right, " doesn't get much better than this." You inspire me too!

  6. I had to laugh as the description of the awe-struck girls encounter. I've been there (with you), too. You are a mentor and a model to so many. Thanks for being the sharing kind of gal. You are truly a You Tube sensation!

  7. Yes, you are a star...and grateful that you are there to inspire us, Ruth!

  8. I'm so glad you wrote about this because I had forgotten. Now I have a wealth of YouTube writing videos to access. You are so famous!


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