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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Faith {CELEBRATE This Week: 155}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! 

Share a link to your blog post below and/or use #celebratelu to share celebrations on Twitter. Check out the details hereCelebrate This Week goes live on Friday night around 10(ish). Consider it as a weekend celebration. Whenever it fits in your life, add your link. 

Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.


It's been a bit of a rough week. I want to celebrate. I stare at the cursor blinking in the post box, and I don't know what words to type. It's the end of a too hard week. I could make a little list of things to celebrate...
  • sweet coffee
  • stories around the campfire
  • cotton candy sunrises

And they would be true celebrations, but my soul would be weary and I would still be wondering what words I should have typed. I would miss the celebration.

Because the truth is sometimes life is hard. You get to the end of the day and realize you are out of hours and important things are going to be left undone. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you disappoint. Other times, no matter how long you think, you still don't know if you are making the best decision. 

I find celebrations moment by moment. I flip my thinking and find the small joys...
  • laughter after school
  • freezer meals that make dinner a snap
  • a Saturday morning all my own

Even though I am worn, there is unexplainable energy sustaining me. On Monday night (when I thought the next day must be Friday instead of Tuesday), I realized this abundance of energy and peach is faith. Sometimes faith is overcomplicated. 

This week, I realized it is simply knowing things will work out for the good of those who love God and serve according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). When I find small celebrations, my faith is strengthened...
  • three after school runs with the family
  • perfect weather for watching soccer and football
  • a new introduction is starting to take shape for The Book
I celebrate small so I can live big. 

I can keep listing celebrations because they are tucked throughout my week. Moments pass and I collect treasures because I've learned to find them. I find them because I believe there is good in the rubble of life.

This is why I'm so thankful for you, our community that celebrates together. This way I keep fighting the good fight, allowing my faith to strengthen through celebrations.

Share your celebration!


  1. Those small celebrations are kind of like floaties in the deep end of troubles. Thank you for this place to remember they are there, even in, especially in, the dark difficult times.

  2. "I celebrate small so I can live big." I love this, Ruth. It's been a very hard week for me, too - but the small celebrations are what add up to knowing what counts in life. Thank you for giving us this space to mark those small celebrations.

  3. Thanks for the reminder to pay attention - I have had two of those "isn't it Friday yet?" weeks.

  4. "I celebrate small so I can live big." I am tucking these words in my notebook along with David's "There is only a short walk from Hallelujah to hoot." and Julieanne's " a heart full of the process." These words will have me set for a great year! I am sure my OLW is hiding within these words.

  5. I love how the words from these posts end up in our notebooks. My favorite from your post today: "Moments pass and I collect treasures.." Because you've showed us the way, we collect treasures, even during the hard weeks. Thank you, Ruth! And blessings for a restful Sunday!

  6. These back-to-school weeks are so exhausting. I'm with you, I can barely even remember small moments to celebrate. But then I think of seeing my 9yo in the hall at school and giving him a high five and walking into school with my 6yo and him running over to give me one extra good-bye hug and it's easy for the rest to fall away. I love celebrating here. Thank you! :)

  7. Ruth, I enjoyed reading your post at the end of my day. It strengthens me because you have proclaimed that your faith is strengthened through celebrations. Thank you for this.

  8. Your words always have a way of sustaining me. I am so grateful.

  9. I struggled with finding things to share, too, Ruth. Reading your post did help me reflect that there are those things that are small that are the things that make a life to celebrate! Thank you, hoping your week this coming one fills with those small moments again.

  10. I'm sorry you had a rough week, Ruth, but I'm glad you can still celebrate. I love the phrase "rubble of life"!

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