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Friday, June 3, 2016

Hello Summer! {CELEBRATE This Week: 142}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! 

Share a link to your blog post below and/or use #celebratelu to share celebrations on Twitter. Check out the details hereCelebrate This Week goes live on Friday night around 10(ish). Consider it as a weekend celebration. Whenever it fits in your life, add your link. 

Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.


Hello Summer,
It's so nice to see you again --  we've already jumped in with both feet!

We've been to the skate park and the library. We grabbed lunch at the school and walked through the park. We've planted flowers, went for a run, and swam in the neighbor's pool. We mowed yard, did a little laundry, and watched the world go by from the front porch. We cooked dinner together, lingered at the table, and had a family movie night.

I love you, Summer! I have high expectations.
  • Finish writing a book (!)
  • Choice Literacy Writing Retreat
  • Professional learning at All-Write Summer Institute and the Diane Sweeney conference and the PBL conference
  • Teacher Book Club reading, plus that stack of professional books that are calling my name
  • Email Pals weekly notes and something new I'm cooking up to help teachers with conferring.
  • The GIVEAWAY that is ending soon
  • Switching my blog to a new platform (Yikes!)
  • Running a 5K with the kids
  • Trying new recipes
  • Pies are waiting to be made and cookie perfection to be claimed
  • Canning spaghetti sauce
  • Freezing blueberries
  • Keeping the pots of flowers alive
  • Holding on to every single moment with the kids
  • Adding to their school albums and collecting more memories for our scrapbooks
  • Claiming adventure
  • Reading books
  • Visiting people
  • Exploring places
  • Family Genius Hour (Sam insists)
  • Selecting topics
  • Dipping into research
  • Dreaming up my own project, too
  • A visit from Karianne (our 2011-2012 exchange student) and her mom
  • Welcoming Martha, our 2016-2017 exchange student
  • Kings Island
  • Tennessee
  • Church camp
  • Boy Scout camp
  • Football camp
  • Band camp

Summer, I celebrate you, not just for all that you hold, but for the way you hold me. I slow down, linger with my coffee, scribble in my notebook, and watch the world go by. Thank you, Summer, for letting me live this one precious life as fully as possible.



  1. Your summer seams like mine - from the list it appears crazy, but it is vacation with so many differences that there IS rest and rejuvenation. Enjoy!

  2. Ruth, Enjoy every moment of this long and rich list.

  3. Wow! What a busy summer. I am intrigued by that Family Genius Hour - Sam is such the little learner!

  4. Love this list of summer! You've inspired me to create my own celebration of summer and all the joys it brings.

  5. I just started making my list of possibilities for the summer. I may have to add a few from your list. :)

  6. Somehow your amazing list and the phrase "I slow down" makes me wonder what your non-summer list looks like!!
    Enjoy your relaxing summer!!

  7. What a list. I love that Sam insists on Genius Hour. How smart! I love summer as well for all the hope it holds.

  8. Ruth, your summer is full of wonderful activities for you and your family to enjoy. I look forward to hearing how it turns out.

  9. Ruth, your summer is full of wonderful activities for you and your family to enjoy. I look forward to hearing how it turns out.

  10. You have lots of plans! And you already have done a lot! I just love the time to enjoy my family and have fun. I'm so glad summer is here too!

  11. I love this list and I'm in awe of thinking about accomplishing everything! Happy summer to you!

  12. Love all the fun you've squeezed in already. My favorites: lingering over the table and watching the world go by from the front porch and of course, that trip to the library. What platform are you switching to?

  13. That's a great list! I need to make a list... I have so much I want to do... :-)


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