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Friday, March 25, 2016

Forever Matters + I Need Some Help {CELEBRATE This Week: 132}

I'm glad you are here to celebrate! Share a link to your blog post below and/or use #celebratelu to share celebrations on Twitter. Check out the details hereCelebrate This Week goes live on Friday night around 10(ish). Consider it as a weekend celebration. Whenever it fits in your life, add your link. Please leave a little comment love for the person who links before you.

Jordan turned 11 last week! It was the 4th birthday we've celebrated together. We are over halfway to celebrating more birthdays together than without one another. Time makes a difference. I know it's important how we spend our time together, and it's important how much time we spend together. Sometimes I forget all of those moment pile together to make forever. 

Forever matters. Four birthdays seem like forever to our little man. I'm grateful to get to be his momma. Here's his birthday photo, which actually is a perfect capture of who he is right now. 

I'm very excited to be rounding the final bend of creating a FREE ebook for my email pals! I'm looking for 20 people who are willing to read and give feedback on it. If you are interested, please let me know in the comments of this post and I'll send you a PDF of it. I'd like to know your thoughts by April 4. (Just for reference, most of my blog posts are around 500 words and the ebook is 1000 words. It's a speedy read.) You guys! I am overwhelmed by your responses to help me...thank you! There are now 20 readers. I'll be sharing the ebook with my email pals, so if you haven't subscribed to my newsletter yet, then please join below.

The first page of the FREE ebook I'm working on.

As always, I'm glad you are here to celebrate. Happy Easter!

 If we're not email pals yet, please sign up for encouragement in teaching writers, updates on my writing life, and delightful stories from this corner of the world.

Send me some inspiration!

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  1. Happy Birthday to Jordan! Four-ever matters, especially when you look at it this way! I would LOVE to read and give feedback on your book. How exciting for you!

  2. Congratulations on a four-ever birthday! Ruth I also would love to read your thoughts. how wonderful to create an eBook on writing.

  3. Happy Birthday, Jordan! Special day for a special boy! I'll be happy to read and give you feedback, although you may want those in the classroom, Ruth. Happy Easter!

  4. Happy Birthday to Jordan! Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! I'm not sure I would be a very good feedback giver, not enough experience in this area, but I would be willing to read if you don't get enough critical friends together.

  5. Happy Birthday to your son! And Happy Easter! I'd be happy to give feedback if you'd like!

  6. Happy birthday to Jordan! I would be more than happy to give feedback if you'd like. Happy weekend!

  7. Happy birthday, Jordan!! May this next year bring you much joy, happiness and good memories. And tell your momma that I'd be happy to read her book. :)

  8. Happy Birthday, Jordan! I would love to give feedback, Ruth - let me know if I can.

  9. Jordan is such a character! That mustache definitely makes him look older. If you still need readers, count me in, but go with the classroom teachers first.

  10. Happy Birthday, Jordan! I would love to give feedback, Ruth - let me know if I can.

  11. That is the best birthday picture ever!!! Happy Birthday Jordan! Ruth, I'd love to give feedback too. Congrats on the ebook!

  12. Happy Birthday, Jordan! I saw another Ayres young man sporting a moustache. Is it trending at your house? And yes, I'd love to help out with the ebook. Ruth, I remember your posts during this time. What a gift to send to others!

  13. Ruth-
    Can't believe how big Jordan has gotten! I'd love to give feedback on your book!

  14. Such an awesome picture. What a wonderful celebration - honoring your time together.

  15. What a wonderful celebration! There's nothing better than happy kids. Happy Birthday Jordan!


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