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Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Be Myself {Vintage Post}

On the last day of the Beginning Writing Workshop I led, we had the privilege of listening to Barb Bean share her journey of implementing reading and writing workshop. She was quite inspiring (and I wasn't the only one to notice -- almost 1/3 of the participants commented on the uplifting impact Barb had on them!).

Of all the uplifting tid-bits Barb shared, the one that impacted me the most was when she said, "Writing and reading workshop has helped me learn to be myself in the classroom." She said she's stopped trying to be like this teacher or talk like that teacher, she has simply learned to be herself.

Her advice resonated inside of me. So often, I observe teachers (and through my work, I get to work with the best of the best) and I wish I could be like them. I read professional books and I wish I could be Penny Kittle, Nancie Atwell, Georgia Heard, Lester Laminack (the list could continue for 50 names!).

But I'm not them. I am me. And this is good. I bring something unique to the classroom, that no one else could. I bring my experiences, my fears, my hopes, my gentle heart -- things that no one else has. 

And you do this too. 

So, as we embark on the new school year, will you make this your mantra?

I be myself. And that's okay.

[Originally posted 08.06.2007 on Inspiring Readers and Writers.]


  1. Like this. Love this. Need to post this where I see it every day.

  2. Inspirational thoughts don't age.

  3. Have I mentioned how much I love Vintage Ayres?

  4. It "is" the only way to be, I agree. Isn't it great that you wrote this six years ago!


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