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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

starting here and ending there

I'm heading to Pennsylvania today. Waiting at the other end will be my editor, Bill Varner. We'll have dinner and catch up, and then I'll stay with Stacey. Stacey and I are delivering a keynote tomorrow morning about two perspectives of teachers who write. My portion is:

I'm hoping there will be many phones out and lots of tweets!

So today I'm starting here...
#instagram @ruth_ayres
The sunrise in a storm this morning.

And I'll end there. It will be a very good day!

{You'll want to check back tomorrow, because I get to share the cover of my new book (written with Christi Overman) -- Celebrating Writers -- woo-hoo! :)}


  1. Best wishes for the keynote, Ruth, I'll try to watch the tweets! And congrats again for your book-can't wait to read it!

  2. I am also excited to see the book cover. Congratulations on your second book! I wish that I could be at the keynote. Enjoy your time with Stacey.

  3. Congrats on the new book - can't wait! And will be watching for tweets.

  4. Good luck with the keynote and congrats on the new book. Can't wait to see it!

  5. There are some lucky audience members in your future. They are in for a treat. I hope the storms didn't interfere with your travels and time spent away is fulfilling for you. Hooray for a happy book cover release! More reason to CELEBRATE!

  6. I'm so happy you got to start your day with that view -- gorgeous! Looking forward to the public reveal of the new cover. Best of luck with your keynote - you and Stacey will rock it, I'm sure!

  7. I know that your words will speak to those teachers who don't write, yet. They will learn the power of being a writing teacher who writes through your message. It will be powerful. Wish I could hear it too.
    I'm looking forward to this cover but also the content. Congrats on book two, now on to number three. :-)

  8. Someday I would like to be at the end of your travel day, ready to shake the hand of a writer who is such an inspiration to me. Looking forward to all you reveal. Amelia


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