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Thursday, March 14, 2013


“And once you live a good story, you get a taste for a kind of meaning in life, and you can't go back to being normal; you can't go back to meaningless scenes stitched together by the forgettable thread of wasted time.” 
― Donald MillerA Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life

I was planning to spend some time on tonight's slice, wanting to weave together several ideas, taking the time to settle in and let the words work and bump around, finally arranging into something I can hold on to...some new understandings about Story and why it matters.

Then my phone buzzed a text:

It's from a friend of ours who is home on spring break. He is a freshman in college and spent one night a week at our house throughout his senior year last year.

We miss him. 

It doesn't matter that I was planning to write. 
It doesn't matter that I have emails to answer and school work to complete.
It doesn't matter that I was hoping for an early shower and bedtime.
It doesn't matter that I am exhausted.

Anytime is a good time for him to visit.
None of that other stuff really matters much.

I'm humbled that this college freshman makes time to visit us tonight when he has such limited time at home. I can't wait to hear his stories. I can't wait to see how he's changed and how the very core of him is staying the same, becoming deeper and stronger. 

He's here! It's the end of writing time.


  1. Lately Donald Miller's book has been coming to my mind quite souvenir...encouraging family to write different life stories.
    Title becomes so powerful after reading your words and even more powerful, "I know because of Nate."

  2. Absolutely. Take the time. Some of my favorite times are the unexpected visits with former students. The ones who show up in my classroom, at contests, at my house. Enjoy. The rest will wait. (except for sleep, but at least the weekend is upon us)

  3. I am so thankful I read your slice today.
    Thank you for sharing Nate with me today. And for sharing Tyler. You are right, people are more important.

  4. Good for you! Hope you had fun.

  5. You are right. People are always what matter. I am sure he appreciated you taking the time. The example and the action speak loudly. What a great reminder.

  6. People are important...IT doesn't matter...What a powerful message! What a great reminder...

  7. You, my dear, have your priorities in perfect order! Thanks so much for fitting in the time to share!

  8. Thank you for this wonderful reminder about what truly matters. Hope you had a wonderful visit!

  9. Thanks for this oh so important reminder tonight.

  10. Somehow by choosing not to write what you had initially intended, you let us in on your visit, on your very special connection. Soak up every gorgeous moment with Tyler. I know he will be doing the same of his time with you!

  11. People definitely trump all the other things we have to do. This is such a lovely slice, reminding us, reminding us.

  12. Your love of people is showing through again. That's special that he knows he can just come right over. I think you have a friend for life--the best.

  13. Good tears with this one. "I know because of ..." mine are named Paul and Michael; love that line.

  14. Thanks for taking time - time for teens, time for writing, time for BONS, time for family, time for the important things that matter.


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