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Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I can't believe it's August and I forgot.
{deep breath}
{an experience that made me believe I could maybe, perhaps, actually write fiction}

Write Fifteen Minutes a Day, a writing challenge hosted by Laurie Halse Anderson on her blog, Mad Woman in the Forest, is something I've participated in for several years. I love it.

In an effort to embrace what I can do and let go of the things I don't do, I'm going to be excited that I remembered and happy to have TWO fifteen minute writing experiences for the next week, as I double up and relish in the surprises that always come with WFMAD.

I hope you join. It's always more fun to do something together.

I'm off to spend some time with my notebook. Here's today's challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I had already told myself that the timing just wasn't right, but you gave me that little nudge to make the timing be right. It will be a great way to write regularly right before and as I start the school year to put myself in my students' shoes and strenthen my writing habit, especially pushing myself with fiction as you had also mentioned. Thanks for the push!


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